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The stress and joy of getting to know someone else made me cry - Toke Makinwa

  in an interview with FameExtra magazine,Toke Makinwa said  her first date after her separation from her ex-husband, Maje Ayida, left her in tears because she couldn't believe she was back to stressing over a relationship.
Read some part of the interview:

It’s no secret that you are single again. For you, are there any upsides to your status?  
It’s tricky! It’s exactly like learning to ride a bike again but I think I am doing very well. Laughs. Of course you get the initial stumble and fall off but the key is to accept that things are different now and that’s ok.
My first date after my separation, I cried on my way home as I couldn’t believe I was back dating again, the stress and joys of getting to know someone again, the excruciating pain of the past and the will to trust another again.
What would you say was your biggest misconception about marriage?

People are not honest enough! You are told to keep quiet about everything like showing a sign of ‘all is not well’ automatically means you have a bad marriage. The thing is, everyone struggles, no situation is perfect and if people walked around with a little bit of honesty about their situation, a lot of marriages might survive. Religion is also a very big problem, God is involved in Marriage and he has also blessed us with the capacity to think and make decisions for ourselves so people need to be less religious and more aware of His love. There will be way less judgement. So much goes on in a home and you are told to keep mute, keep taking, pray till your knees get dark from kneeling (which is a good thing, don’t get me wrong), but a lot of people lose who they are trying to keep with all of these mandates that doesn’t always work. I am not saying you should go around telling everyone your business but I feel if we had more people open up about their struggles and a society that is less judgmental, people will begin to appreciate the beauty of seeing two people work at staying together and realising the sheer amount of work required on both sides.

On average it takes you how long to get ready for a red carpet?

It depends, I have a team and it takes us roughly about 3/4 hours but it is always fun times. If an event starts at 7 we start prepping at 2pm. It’s a madhouse but I am surrounded by so many talented people it is such a joy to watch.

You get your makeup done professionally a lot of the time. What’s the monthly average cost?

I can’t tell you otherwise I’d have to kill you but I feel really blessed and fortunate enough to have met some amazing people who took a chance with my brand from day 1. It goes beyond achequelationship and I try to tell a lot of upcoming people in this business; you’ve got to climb the tree not from the top but from the bottom. Find people with similar goals who want nothing more than to succeed and form a partnership where everyone grows together and it’s beneficial. That way we would all work when no money is coming in and then work some more when we are all MADE. Everyone on my team is now on a retainer and we started from the bottom. Let’s just say God heard our cry and has blessed us and is still blessing us.

What’s your stance on plastic surgery?

Hmm… I am not against it, I feel like it’s a comfort thing, I have seen people struggle with those things that they are insecure about and once they get something done, they become different people. They are more confident, and if it rocks their boats, why not? I never judge another’s decision as I haven’t walked a quarter of a mile in their shoes so whatever makes you happy, whatever helps you sleep well at night…. Knock yourself out.


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