Hey lovelies ,
Good day to you readers,how are you doing and how is your day? Mine is terrific.... If you are visiting the blog for the first time,hurry!!!welcome to you and I hope you check back and to my loyal reader..chop kisses...I really appreciate your time...love you guys.
Back to the matter of the day,i know you might already have an idea of what this is from the heading.....I have some things I would like to talk to you about before I make my decision completely because as you guys know the success of the blog is the joint effort of the reader and the blogger.
So to cut the story short like we will say no time to check time.
So before I opened this blog,my intention was to open a fashion and lifestyle blog,as some of you guys that know me,know am a fashion freak... Lol,and i'm really proud of it but no,i'm not those pinky pinky freak o...anyways as I was saying,I was discouraged from the idea mainly because it was fashion oriented.
I'm not saying it wasn't a pleasure to provide you guys with informations and recent updates, but have decided to go back to my first love....lemme use those words. So this is the reason for this long letter.
To some that maybe disappointed I'm really sorry, to those confused I hope to clear the air in my future posts and to the ride or die readers,thank you and I promise to try my possible best not to disappoint you.
Till the next post,I still remain your one and only blogger....Lol...yes yes. Take care and Huggies.
So let's talk.....
Guys, I really want to know your mind and know what you think about this. So please use the comment section,drop your comments and questions and we will rob minds....
Hmmm,have you thought about it well enough