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The Power Of A Dress....

Hey loves,

Welcome to my blog again, it's being ages i blogged and I know most times I give different excuses but I promise to be consistent from now o. As you all know this blog is all about fashion and style, I'm deolu Illo for the new readers and a fashion addict.... I hope you enjoy reading and keep coming back.. So, how have you been and happy New month even though it is coming late but as they say, better late than never right?

I will be going straight to today's post but The first thing we need to know is the meaning of a dress, even if most of us do. What is a Dress? A Dress is a garment consisting of a skirt with an attached bodice. A dress can be any one-piece garment containing  a skirt of any length. Dresses can be very formal or informal, in many cultures, dresses are often worn by women and girls. Dresses are as old as the human race itself.

 Right from the times beyond our imaginations, Dresses have been made for the covering, beautification and convenience of humans, most especially the female folks . Today, I will be writing on the power a piece of dress can give a person and I will be emphasizing on the female point of view.

From the title, I’m sure many of you will be trying to depict what I have to say. Well, a beautiful well made dress can give you all the confidence you need. Is it just me or it happens to you too? When I’m putting on a beautiful outfit that fits so well, I walk with so much confidence into a place and what makes my confidence level skyrocket is when I enter a room and everyone stops and stares. I feel amazing and beautiful but if not my already established confidence drops, I begin to find fault in my look and feel unsure of my appearance. Yes, that’s what I’m talking about.

 The uniqueness of a dress lies in the ability to wear it on different occasions and still look dashing. Looking at it from the psychological aspect or point of view, a person that is just coming out from a breakup or involved in an emotional breakdown can use a dress as a consolation or get-back-to-shape adventure. Imagine that person on a killer gown, preferably in a red or black color with a block high heels of your Choice, a dinner purse and don’t forget, for a lippy freak like me, a very deep red lipstick.  Your confidence will be Oozing, it could be perceived by everyone around. So also is a person with a Low Self Esteem. A dress and I mean a perfectly sewn shaped dress can give you all the Boosted Self Esteem you need while a person going for an Interview  or a prospective work can create a good impression with the right dress and color combination.  Yes, a dress can make the Interviewer interested in what you have to say and develop a likeness for you or can make him/her zero his or her mind towards you.

   You can play dress up for pleasure when Bored. What else can lift a lady’s spirit if not a treat to spending her time in a room full of clothes with bright and vivid colors, with a job of combining these colorful materials to give you a spectacular look?. Something that helps with looking good is the ability to look unique and spectacular with so less effort I.e you don’t always have to break a bank to look good. All you need do, is to get the necessary items combined with a imaginative fashion sense. A person can spend more than #100,000 to buy a lovely dress, wear it and still look tacky while another person with a better fashion sense can buy an outfit for less than #10,000 and look really stunning. It’s all about combination, fashion sense, right accessories  and the body movement.
PS: if you can’t work confidently in a pair of high heels, please don’t bother trying to because the way you walk has a huge effect on the end result of your appearance.  You can’t look good if you don’t feel good.

Something you need to know is, if you don’t feel confident or comfortable in a dress, you won’t look good and other people won’t see the beauty of the cloth.
    Take for example Rihanna, she rocks most of the hideous clothes many people won’t pray to be caught dead in  with so much confidence, that you could spend your last dime to get the same outfit you wouldn’t have wanted to be caught dead in because of her Aura and confidence. The way she makes the cloth look like the most beautiful dress ever will convince you to get one.

For you to feel the power of a dress, first of all, you need to love the dress, have the body for the dress, have the right attitude to carry the dress and Let’s not forget, the posture to rock it well.  If you can’t walk well in a beautiful dress, it will still not look attractive to a passerby or a prospective Admirer.

Conclusively, a beautiful dress can’t come out beautifully with the wrong accessories ,shoes and makeup.  They all work Hand in hand ,they compliment each other because without one or two of them, the perfect dress will look like the worst outfit for the occasion. I hope you’ve been able to learn one or two things from this write up. Thanks for patiently reading through.
If you have one or two things to add or a question you need to ask, then feel free to drop it at the comment section and I will get back to you. I remain your number one blogger Deolu Illo. Don't forget to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and also subscribe to this blog if you haven't. Please Make sure you share to your friends and groups. Have a lovely weekend. Till the next post, hugs and kisses 😘😘😘.


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